Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Useful Phrases - Positive Thinking (Leadership)

- sharing by Eunice during EXCO meeting on 10 useful phrases to bring about Positive Thinking:
  1. I am wrong
  2. I am sorry
  3. You can do it
  4. I believe in you
  5. I am proud of you
  6. Thank you
  7. I need you
  8. I trust you
  9. I respect you
  10. I love you

All in all... it's sincerity that matters... sincerity ~ the heart that matters... not self... but selfless? Hm... "ideals" possible? Possible if...??? Ultimately, which is more important: Rule by the Head or Rule by the Heart? Both... but more importantly, while people are more receptive to "Rule by the Heart", which generates buy-in... it's really situational! No matter what... knowing how to strike a balance is certainly very very important!!!

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