- Horizon Report Website: http://www.nmc.org/horizon
- 2010 Horizon Report: http://www.nmc.org/publications/2010-horizon-report
- 2010 Horizon Report in Summary (slides): http://prezi.com/fi15bceshelk/2010-horizon-report/
- Navigator: http://navigator.nmc.org/
- Horizon Report Wiki: http://horizon.wiki.nmc.org/tag
- MIDEA: http://midea.nmc.org/
- Challenge-Based Learning: An Approach for Our Time http://www.nmc.org/publications/challenge-based-learning
LEARNING JOURNEY: The underlying driving force... Satisfaction... generated from... Positive Impact on Others... through the course of actions and interactions...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
New Media Consortium - Useful Sites
Education Technology Trend-spotting Forum (22 September 2010)
Some things that the 2 experts shared:
Larry Johnson, CEO, New Media Consortium
7 Patterns of Technology
1. Computing in 3 Dimensions
- e.g. Models that are generated and only possible to create 'virtually' and not realisatic in real world.
2. Games in Reality
- Learning moves through games (this has been adopted in some countries for military training).
3. Keyboards are for Old People
- Observation of more youths are using sms than email to send messages.
- Communication is no longer limited to devices that come with keyboards.
- Speech-to-text is one technology that is likely to take off in the very near future.
- Touch technology has become more ubiquitous - e.g. use of multi-touch surfaces as well as iPad.
- On the other hand, I agree with what Larry shared: The choice of device really depends on the purpose and/ or the kind of activity one carries out. For instance, the iPad could be an ideal device for reading because of its portability and storage. On the other hand, a decent device like a tablet or a laptop would still be the more appropriate device when keying in lots of text (e.g. preparing a report) despite the fact that iPad comes with a (virtual) keyboard. Every device has its natural fit. Another example: While a phone would allow one to access pages of text or read information from the websites, however, when it comes to reading books of hundreds of pages, the iPad would probably be the choice.
4. The Machine is US
- The latest development was showcased in the 2009 TED show (Sixth Sense Technology)
- Personally, I think the Sixth Sense technology is amazing, and it definitely possesses lots of potential mobile (or outdoor) learning. In particular, the ease to access information and the 'portability' of 'devices'.
5. Collective Intelligence is the new knowledge
- The example given was about citizen journalism - when news is no longer dependent on one source, but people become participative and contributes to the virtual community via various means and platforms (e.g. twitter, facebook).
- Moreover the latest news does not necessary come from the news station or reporters, but could be reported by anyone out there. Especially first hand footages (videoclips, photos, etc)
6. The Network is Everywhere
- Networks are created in multiple platforms; serving different purposes.
- The point I gather from this point is, information is embedded everywhere; it's really up to one's creativity and resourcefulness to tap on the information around and turn them into knowledge.
- This is clearly illustrated in the example about the use of the photos posted in Flickr to help 'define' the boundary of the country.
- On the other hand, by analysing the photos posted at the various locations, and using the timestamps, experts could analyse the photos to study certain migration patterns.
- Well, the examples are amazing, isn't it?
7. The People are the Network
- It's about social networking, if I remember correctly.
- Using Facebook as an example, again, it's about teasing useful related information from the network of responses. Hm... unfortunately but still, can't quite make out the link between the advantage of the looking through those who share the common interest (through the 'like' button') to teaching and learning yet.
Stephen Breslin, CEO of FutureLab
(a) Emerging Technology Trends
1. Continuation of Moore's Law
- Massive decrease in cost and massive increase in computing power
2. Once per decade disruption
- shift from networked to ubiquitous computing
3. Computing as BioScience
4. Cosmetic psycho-pharmacology
- Smart drugs and cognitive enhancement
5. Invasive and non-invasive brain/machine interfaces
6. 3D printing and printable electronics
- the capacity to print bespoke mechatronic devices
7. Artificial intelligence remains hard
- Semantic web technology augments capacity of intelligent analysis and synthesis of information
8. Large scale systems of systems
- complex system less well-understood, cost of failure increases
(b) Beyond Current Horizon (BCH)
Stephen also shared some of the implications of the findings from the research:
1. Education is a futures facing activity
- assumptions about the future underpin all levels of education activity
2. Challenging Existing Assumptions
- e.g. continued progress towards a universal technology-rich, global knowledge economy.
3. Explore alternative Future
- Possible - what could be
- Probable - what is likely to be
- Preferable - what ought to be
4. Education futures work should aim to challenge assumptions rather than present defintive predictions
5. The future is not determined by its technology
6. Thinking about the future involves politics
7. Education has a range of responsibilities that need to be reflected in visions of its future.
In a way, I fully agree with the point that we need to challenge the assumptions - the assumptions of how future looks like, and what is needed in the future - in terms of the skill sets that's needed for survival in the future. When the set of 21st century skills were drawn up, it's based on the trends and the 'extraplotted' 'predications' which are based on our experiences. So, how close is it going to be?
On the other hand, Stephen also reminded us that "We are the Agents of our Own Future". So, we determine how the future looks like, what the future needs... and then we engineer it accordingly.
Haha... well, both points seem to contradict each other a little, but also complement each other!
Another important reminder from him... I thought it was very useful: The emphasis should be "What makes good learning" rather than looking at technology. Fully agree! We could have the best technology in hand, however, without sound pedagogy, it would not be able to put to good use to bring about the desirable change or impact. So, its success still lies in the hands of the curriculum designer!
He also gently shared the UK government's effort in building schools of the future - the key to the entire exercise is... People Matters - Practice and Mindset determine what changes and eventually unfolds - in terms of the learning experiences of the learners.
3 challenges were posted:
- Should education continue to be organised around the unit of the individual learner?
- Should schools retain its dominant position in assumptions about educational futures?
- Should preparation for competition within a knowledge economy remain a primary goal for education?
Creating the Digital Divide
The digital divide refers to the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology, and those with very limited or no access at all. It includes the imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills needed to effectively participate as a digital citizen. knowledge divide, both reflecting the access of various social groupings to information and knowledge, typically gender, income, race, and by location.
"Digital Divide" was first used to describe the gap, the difference in terms of accessibility to technology. I think it started off as a comparison between countries where technology - in terms of availability and accessibility to computing devices; and it's more often than not, between developed and developing countries.
Lots of effort have been put in to narrow the digital divide - philanthropic organisations and even technology companies to come up with solutions for countries that face issues like electricity so that children are not deprived from access to technology and the world wide web.
On the other hand, today, digital divide no longer just refers to the provision and accessibility of the devices or internet, it's looking at how technology is deployed and how it is used!
Indeed, I think we are now at a juncture - to widen or to narrow the "digital divide".
At least 2 things to look into, in terms of addressing to today's "digital divide" - How we use technology, in particular, our learners; and What devices are we using?
To remain ahead of the rest... I guess, one has no choice, but to create the "digital divide"...
What's Next in the classroom????
2 leading experts in educational technology were invited to give talk about their views on the progress and direction of future technology use in teaching and learning.
Well, I guess many of us are hoping that they could share with us what they glaze through the crystal ball.
Hm... somehow, personally, I could not quite get the answer... maybe we are at the 'future' technological world?
Indeed, about 20 years ago, client-based application was the emerging 'technology', and we looked for innovative ways to use them in schools - as productivity tool, primarily in the early years before a more important 'role' came clear - to benefit the learners' experience.
When IT was first introduced to school (ok... let's put the subject "Computer Applications" aside), it's a novelty, especially when introduced to the academic staff. (Apart from the senior management) The administrative dept was the first to have access, the first to use the email system. When email was first introduced to the academic staff , only the selected few (think no more than 5) were given the email account. Ha! Still remember that kind of "privileged" look my colleague wore on her face. The rest of us? Hm... that envy look. Oh, I only received my email account almost together with the rest. That was when IT was first introduced to the academic staff - through email.
Then through the 1st Masterplan, when internet use was still at the infancy stage (at schools), client-based applications was at the centre-stage. "Teacher-centred" way of using technology was encouraged and the 'trailblazers' were the one who took the lead to use in classrooms. By then, LCD projectors started to make their way to every classroom.
The "Client-based applications" reign lasted for long, and it faced a challenge - to cope with the need for widespread accessibility; and eventually we turned to networked technology. The internet suddenly became so accessible to everybody in the school (but... not quite yet for students). Of course, a handful of schools also started experimenting 1-to-1 computing environment. There were successful cases, there were those who decided to return to the where most schools were, due to challenges.
It was almost a 10 good years before Web 2.0 applications to take centre-stage. I think, there are lots of push factors for this is due to global changes. It's a recogition of the way today's learners learn, and what they are prepared for. Now, in many schools, it's not difficult to hear about web 2.0 technologies playing a role in classrooms. While we are now immersing, 'enjoying' and leveraging on the features and capabilities of web 2.0 environment, the question is... What's next?
Networked technology is here to stay. No matter what. Even if we are moving away from the computer.
It's about "CONNECTEDNESS"... whether via the computer, the mobile phone... or any devices.
It's so powerful.
Somehow, from the talk, "Social Network" seems to be the next wave... OK, we know that social networking platforms like Facebook, Ning, MySpace have made their presence felt and they are growing in an unimaginable rate. But, really, how to leverage such a platform for learning... When I say learning, I'm referring to we are able to capture that process and learners can revisit, to recap what they go through and apply the content generated to their tests or exams. OK, I might sound 'narrow'... there's so much to learn from, learn with and learn through the social network. The benefits is a whole long list... well, back on 'earth', back in 'school', at the end of the day, we want something that is also tangible... er... 'concrete' in some sense.
So, are we expecting to see "Social Network" going to be the predominant technology in the learning environment in the next couple of years to come?
Hm... I think, it would be nice to see examples of lessons leveraging on this environment to value-add the learning experience... I think I'm looking at 'direct benefits'...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Experimenting with ProjectLive3D
I think it's a research tool. To participate, one just need a Google Account.
Pretty interesting... and definitely exciting for the user because we know that we are contributing to the construction of the 3-dimensional look of the map!
To do this, one needs a photo of a building/ structure. Then identify area to be 'mapped' onto the googlemap. Pretty easy to do.
As for teaching and learning, it's still quite obvious for meaningful integration, although we would usually thought of Geogaphy (because of GoogeMap/Earth) and Mathematisc (because it deals with shapes).
The next step is... to find a natural fit into the subject topic...
Talking Postcards - Lesson Ideas
I can't quite remember the actual activity being shared... but certainly, it's got to do with Mac applications like Photo Booth or iPhoto's album.
Anyway, a few ideas generated from this... that I thought would be useful for Language learning, for obvious reasons...
Activity 1: Building Vocabulary List
- Possible subject implementation: Any subjects that could have a list of new words that students should master (the use of the subject language).
- E.g. English Language, Mother Tongue Language, History, Geography, Science, ADMT and Mathematics.
- In this activity, each student would learn a new word/ phrase/ idiom/ proverbs, etc (that could be related to a topic or a genre).
- He/She would find out the meaning of the word, figure out the pronunication of the word and an example how this word could be used in (various) contexts.
- He/She would also find a picture that could depict the meaning of the word.
- Using KeyNote (or something equivalent), student could add text (i.e. the explanation of word) to the picture. Convert the final picture (with text) to an image.
- Using QuickTime Player, he/she could record the following: Pronunication of the word, read out the meaning (which is already added to the image) and verbally describe an example how the word could be used.
- Using iMovie, the end product (clips) from all students could be compiled to become a "thematic vocabulary" book. Alternatively, each clip could be uploaded into a blog which is delicated for this topic. Hence it could be a compilation.
When the end product is posted online or compiled as a final movie clip, it could be shared so that everyone could have access learn from each other (coooperative learning).
An added advantage of posting in the blog is where they could also further explain the words (when need to) or add examples to the help each other understand even better.
Activity 2: Reading/Oral Activity
- The activity gets students to describe pictures, which is one component in the language oral examination.
- Possible Subject Implementation: English Language, Mother Tongue Languages
- Given a picture (e.g. a postcard), students to describe it according to the key areas outlined by the teacher (the scaffold).
- Students to identify 5 key words (e.g. adjectives or verbs) that are significant in the description.
- Using KeyNote (or something equivalent), student could add text (i.e. the explanation of word) to the picture. Convert the final picture (with text) into an image.
- Using QuickTime Player, he/she could record the description of the postcard.
- Using iMovie, the end product (clips) from all students could be compiled to become a 'talking' picture book. Alternatively, each clip could be uploaded into a blog which is delicated for this topic. Hence it could be a compilation.
When the end product is posted online or compiled as a final movie clip, it could be shared so that everyone could have access learn from each other (coooperative learning).
An added advantage of posting in the blog is where they could also further explain the words (when need to) or add examples to the help each other understand even better.
Online Resources from Singapore NLB
The resources are very rich (as I mentioned to my colleagues)... and we could get something for almost all the subjects.
What I marvel was the archives of newspapers articles, dated back to the 1800s! Wow! Way before Singapore's independence.
In fact, I think, the newspapers archive would definitely set a very authentic stage/ context for our students as they go through what happened in THOSE SIGNIFICANT dates!
- For instance, I pull out 2 articles on the day just after Singapore declared independent! The emotions, the reactions from the different parties. Hey, our learners could really immerse in the emotions! And at the same time, 'hear' the different perspectives.
- Also, with the exact date of significant events happening in Singapore, we could read and have a good picture of the day! An example could be the riots that happen in Singapore!
The generous sharing of the images/ pictures are definitely going to benefit the Humanities learning - not just history, but also geography - the changes in the landscapes, etc.
For English
- Think about the recent topic on "Advertisement"! Let's compare what was the 'style' of advertisement as compared to what we have nowadays!
- Of course, also the use of Headlines... to reflect emotions in writing, etc.
It's so hard to find good information about Singapore on the Internet!
National Online Repository of the Arts (NORA)
Digitalised works in the literary, performing and visual arts by prominent Singapore artists
- Example 1:
Literary Art: Hokkien Mee by Ovidia Yu
http://econtent.elibraryhub.com/SHC/Singapore%20Pages/NORA/Literature/Drama/Ovidia%20Yu%20-%20Hokkien%20Mee.pdf - Example 2:
Literary Art (Poetry): 象外象 ; 面具小贩 ; 皮影戏 ; 搬家记 by Wong Yoon Wah
http://mms.elibraryhub.com/SHC/Singapore%20Pages/NORA/NORA_Wang%20Runhua%20shi%20xuan.pdf - Example 3:
Visual Art (Painting): East Coast Vendor by Georgette Chen
http://mms.elibraryhub.com/SHC/Singapore%20Pages/NORA/Georgette%20Chen_East%20Coast%20Vendor_1961.jpg - Example 4:
Performing Arts (Music): Yuletide Symphony : [audio recording, excerpts] by Paul Abisheganaden
A fully searchable online archive of Singapore news which offers users access to a host of newspaper titles, dating back to 1831
- Example 1:
Straits Times Article dated 10 August 1965: Singapore is Out
http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/straitstimes19650810.2.3.aspx - Example 2:
Straits Times Article dated 10 August 1965: What it means
http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Page/straitstimes19650810.1.1.aspx - Example 3:
Straits Times Article dated 22 July 1964: Appeal for Calm
NLB's rare collection and British Library's Oriental & India Office Collection
- Example 1:
Singapore and the roads: panoramic view (1870)
http://sgebooks.nl.sg/opendoc.aspx?doc=shc/bl/13_photo210217.pdf - Example 2:
Raffles, 1781-1826 (a 150-pages book)
http://sgebooks.nl.sg/opendoc.aspx?doc=shc/nlbhb/020000220.pdf - Example 3:
http://sgebooks.nl.sg/opendoc.aspx?doc=shc/nlbhb/020003244.pdf - Example 4:
Malay proverbs [and other papers]
Singapore Infopedia
An online encyclopedia of Singapore places, people and customs
- Example 1:
Malay Villages in the North
http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_397_2005-02-02.html - Example 2:
World Gourmet Summit
http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_415_2005-01-19.html - Example 3:
Jurong reclamation
http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_1076_2010-05-14.html - Example 4:
Youth Olympic Games
Singapore National Album of Pictures (SNAP)
A Singapore image bank which is open to Flickr, allowing users to post their own images
- Example 1:
Portrait of Lim Boon Seng (Headshot)
http://snap.nl.sg/details/Lim%20Bo%20Seng%20Memorial0011%20%5BBonny%5D.html - Example 2:
Pulau Ubin quarry
http://snap.nl.sg/details/PulauUbin%20Quarry%20%5BBonny%5D.html - Example 3:
Attap huts and children (general view)
Web Archive Singapore (WAS)
Reflects Sinagpore life on the web, capturing websites of historical value
- Example 1:
Speak Good English Movement
http://was.nl.sg/details/www.goodenglish.org.sg.html - Example 2:
The Artists Village
http://was.nl.sg/details/www.tav.org.sg.html - Example 3:
No place like home: a cyberbook by Kenneth Y T Lim
http://was.nl.sg/details/homepage.mac.com.voyager.NoPlace.frameless.html.html - Example 4:
10 litres of water a day
No login is required for the above.
Check out the National Library Board Website!
NLB's eResources offer access to an impressive collection of eDatabases and eBooks covering every possible subject area from a global perspective.
NLB eResources are available FREE to all who register at http://www.eresources.nlb.gov.sg/
Reference Point: NLB's remote reference enquiry service provides answers to queries, suggest search strategies and guide you to relevant and useful resources.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Information Management
"How do your students manage so many blogs that they created or they needed to access for learning?"
Well, it's a good question. Especially for those of us find it challenging to keep track of the many webpages out there. Oh, what's more we are talking about managing information related to learning! So, simple bookmarking the pages is no longer enough to help manage the information generated.
Let's recall how do we manage information in those good old days:
- Information is organised as chapters in books.
- Within the chapter there are pages.
- We can also insert physical bookmarks to indicate where we stop 'halfway'.
In the early days when we start using computers:
- Information is organised in files (be it word document, spreadsheet, powerpoint presentation, PDF Files, etc)
- Then we organise related files in folders (which is equivalent to assembling as a book).
- Even when it comes to webpages, we tend to organise with the Site Map which goes by "Chapters" (i.e. sections).
When it comes to web 2.0 technology, the use of tags and labels has started to replace specific pages to organise information. For instance, when it comes to blogs, one good way to organise related posts would be using labels.
Indeed, we discussed about this in our subject preparation time because the subject uses the blog regularly for learning activities throughout the year. Posts of various natures are put up - exercise, quizzes, information, students' work. As the posts are arranged in chronological order, so it is kind of challenging to adopt the conventional way of grouping the different kinds of posts.
So, labeling comes in very handy! Each post could be labelled with the topic first. In this case, when we filter, we would be able to surface all the posts related to the particular topic. This would be quite similar to what we 'traditionally' get :) Apart from this, we could also label students' work differently (e.g. eLearning Activity 1). In this way, we could easily siever out those work we are looking out for - for checking or discussion :)
It's a whole new way of organising information :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sharing by ADE @ SOTA on 16 Sep 2010
Through creative arts, students able to express ideas differently.
Example 1:
Action Trailer "workpiece" by student
- animation, accompanied by similar-to "Mission Impossible" sound track
- Movie import into Garageband
Example 2: "Lively" storybook
Turn book into scripts... and turn into movie
- Students write the script, then they narrate story
- 'insert' real characters (students) into 'environment' (drawn background)
- Students acted out the characters, expressions
- Why do you choose to do a splat painting?
- What emotions do you portray in your painting?
- What colours did you use in your painting?
- What do the colours represent?
- Children's book published into a iMovie
- Students' drawing + narration .... turn into a story book
- Given a topic, students carry out research and put their findings into a story. They then draw pictures to express it in the form of story. Then, using iMovie to record the pictures, with narration - end product: Digital story book
- Students play (guitar) and sing the poem... composition of music to express themselves
- Applications: Garageband
- Idea: Interviewer... interviewing people all over the world about their religion.
- Start with the globe, map from Singapore to the various countries - interviewer to interviewee (dressed in the traditional attire), with image representative of country.
3. The examples were work by students that take hours to come up with the end-product.
What do I gather from these works?
- Students definitely love to work with media applications - which is the same regardless primary school kids or the secondary teenagers.
- On the other hand, how much time to be devoted into the production is considered as being reasonable, and not taken up too much time from the learning - curriculum-related knowledge and skill acquisition process? I wonder.
- What's the emphasis of the learning? I think it depends on the key understanding and skills of "that" subject or topic.
- Apart from the multimedia aspects, what else & how else have they done differently with other applications? I would love to know...
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
New Media in Education Fiesta (20100907, Day 2)
It's the first time attending a virtual workshop... I guess it would be a good opportunity to experience it before moving on to consider 2nd life as a possible learning space.
Indeed, this notion first appeared in 2009 Term 1 when we were working on some publicity stuff for the school... considering it's a 'hip' thing... nevertheless, after some considerations, the idea was withheld.
The workshop I signed up this morning... "Use of Collaborative Tagging through Diigo to Promote Independent Online Research amongst Student" by Alicia Poo Peng Peng (aliciapoo2010@gmail.com).
Thought this would be the first "window" to open - to learn how others have used SecondLife in Teaching & Learning (This is precisely my objective of participating in this whole event). Synposis from the NMiEF event at http://www.mediaplaylab.sg/nmief/:
- This paper investigates the potential of using Diigo to encourage interdependent online research among Economics students through the use of collaborative tagging.
- The prevalent rise of various information repository and social networking platforms such as Google, Facebook and Moodle has provided vast opportunities for collaborative and interactive learning for both educators and learners of the current era.
- Simultaneously, the tremendous rate at which knowledge and information has grown for the past decade has been astounding.
- This poses challenge for any serious learner or researcher who wants to continually engage in research to renew his or her knowledge and keep abreast of the latest empirical developments and observations in relation to what is acquired theoretically.
- The need to effectively sift out, organise and archive critical updated information is even more significant for A-Level Economics students who require supporting real world data, facts and observation for rigorous essays’ analysis.
- Given the tight curriculum and the numerous commitment faced by a typical junior college student, researching into every topic of relevant interest for Economics is impractical and results in wastage due to the duplication of research efforts.
- Hence, this has brought us to examine the possibility of exploiting the Diigo platform for a collaborative research experience that maximises research efforts and outcomes among students.
- This research project explores how the Diigo platform offering the online tools for quick annotation, highlight, archival and the adding of sticky notes of comments directly to online research materials fosters a social information network rich in collaborative research and self directed learning.
- Introduction to Diggo Platform
- Research Problem
- Implementation
- Research Outcomes & Recommendation
What is Diggo?
- http://www.diigo.com/
- Highlight, bookmark, sticky note functions
- Convenient Highlight Feature on Online Activities
- Add a Sticky note feature on Online Activities
- Tagging Feature of Online Articles to Enable Efficient Archival and Faster Retrieval
Why is there a need to promote interdependent online research among economics students?
- A comparison between the use of Google and Diigo
- Teacher's observation:
- The school compiles all relevant and important theories and examples for us, personal research is not important.
- Even if research is necessary, I thnk it is more efficient ot conduct it personally.
- Most essays written by students are theoretical
- Students carry out research in an adhoc manner
- Lack of organisation
- Absence of sharing & collaboration for research efforts among students
Tapping on selected features of Diigo
- Research: Annotate. Archive. Organize
- Group Knowledge Repository: Share & Comment
- Personal Learning Network: interact with others on content of interest
Implementation Approach
- Identification of topics (that students need to research on)
- List of prescribed websites
Findings of Research
- Majority of students engage in little or no research (self directed/ mutual) despite knowing the importance of research
- A high proportion of students (about 70%) will use the group repository for major exams like A Level
- Most significant factors hindering intent and effort for mutual research
Think this is a platform worth exploring. In fact, think it has high potential and relevance in our context, especially when it comes to managing online materials... will follow-up on this :)
Monday, September 06, 2010
New Media in Education Fiesta (20100906, Day 1)
Was quite excited over this event as it gives me the opportunity to 'wonder' in SecondLife. Haha... it was as if I don't already have one! (Indeed, I think I spend more time online than talking, in any day... unless I have no internet access! Oops! Yes, one could say, I'm addicted to the Internet... as I hop in not just for work, also for my leisure).
3 of us (Aurelius, Aidil & me) attended the same event.
Keynote 1: Learning in the Digital Age (by Erin Reilly)
Synposis from
This talk will examine students’ daily practices situated within their learning ecologies and hence are dynamically interrelated to their existing conditions, infrastructures of place, and technologies. Although the classroom and interaction among teachers and learners is at the core of this ecology, research has shown that adults’ and kids’ worlds are co-constituted, suggesting that school, after-school, home, and online places are all organic parts of the ecosystem. There will be discussion on how the focus of literacy has changed from individual expression to community involvement where creative manifestation and active participation are the hallmark.
Some key points gathered from the talk:
(A) A framework was presented:
It describes the 3 stages that one would go through when given ubiquitous access to others (via the internet, when they are soically connected). The way they interact has changed. The purpose would evolved. It's like progressing from a novice stage to an amateur stage.
(B) Next is something we heard over and over again in the recent years, the change in the way 'routines' are carried out...
- Reading a Book VS Reading a Trans-Media
- Writing Alone VS Networked Writing
- Memorising Formula VS Gaming as Problem Solving
Indeed, this is very true.
- Take reading as an example. "Books" are no longer just limited to text and images when technology comes into the picture. Take the Channel NewsAsia website that I like to go to. There are videoclips (snippets from the TV news), there is polling features when sometimes they wanted to get feedback from the reader. There is also distribution feature where the reader could further broadcast selected articles to the others via other platforms like Facebook or Twitter. So, the entire 'reading' experience has changed. The reader is no longer passive, but could also play an active role to respond according to his/her own opinion.
- Writing activities have certainly evolved from "self proprietory" to "shared and collaboration". Writing on a piece of paper has allowed one to "own" the full ownership - the creation. However, often it's one-perspective usually. With technology, I guess, the first stage of evolution took place was the introduction of "comments" features with the word processor. The first step to make it interactive, when someone could respond to the writer - to correct or to comment. The next turning point, I think is the idea of collaborative writing was made possibly through wiki! There, the collaboration, the building-on each others' thinking takes place in a borderless manner. Multiple readers, multiple-respondents (writers). One no longer in full control of the writing, the direction of the writing could just change because of the different perspectives and background, experiences that each writer brings to the 'table'. Nowadays, it's no longer just 'wiki', but many Web 2.0 tools that could facilitate networked writing in various look-and-feel.
The project was introduced to the participants. Its key focus is on the 4Cs. Connect. Communicate. Create. Collaborate.
(D) Question: "Conservative with Content" VS "Radical" in approach
A photo of the entrance to the school computer lab/ library with a notice pasted on the door was shown to the participants. It read:
"Social Networking Sites (e.g. MySpace, Facebook) is no longer available on this Friday"
Haha... does that sound familiar?
- So, is there anything wrong with this message?
- What was the motivation behind this action?
- What's the impact going to be like?
- What's the reaction(s) from the students?
- Does this really 'solve' the 'problem'
Lots of questions crossed our minds, isn't it? It goes back to... Social Networking is here to stay... So, how do we 'live in peace' with it and leverage on what it could bring to our everyday life.
Indeed, we recently 'blocked' Facebook because students were indulged in it... and have been 'dropping' by to play games. But this is only to buy time to educate the users. In fact, if we continue to 'block' everything, we are always in the firefighting end and it's bound to be a losing battle. No worth spending the time and effort in this.
(F) Participatory Learning Characteristics
The following diagram shows the 5 elements essential for participatory learning:
- Authenticity: This has been something we emphasize alot in the school's approach - the connectedness - not just linking to real world (i.e. the environment), but also linking to oneself. This connection bridges the meaning of learning to what's intended for the learner.
- Creativity: I forget who Erin Reilly spoke about "Creativity"... I think, creativity comes from both teacher and the learner. The teacher no longer can hold on to the old toolkit - the same 'strategies' used to deliver a lesson does not necessary bring out the desired (expected) impact/ effect that he/she would see in a conventional classroom. Indeed, if we look at cooperative learning strategies - it could be seen as a 'bridge' (of teaching strategies) of the old way (downloading mode) to today's preferred mode (interaction and collaboration). However, that set of strategies have to be modified in order to leverage on the environment. The same 'old' Cooperative Strategies have to change in order to fit into the technologically-pervasive environment. Hence, it calls for the teachers' creativity to create a new learner experience. Apart from this, because of the new environment and approach, learners are given more space and more stimulas to be even more creative :)
- Co-configured Expertise: Teachers are no longer the sole knowledge provider. No... and I think there's no point for us to retain much of the theories we learnt in our head. These knowledge now are so easily available out there. So, what's the role of the teacher? Yes, that's why in recent years, the role of teachers has slowly (though not fully successful) to become facilitators - the one who show the learners the direction, provide the scaffold for them to seek the knowledge and construct knowledge. Well, expect the learners to be even smarter than who we are... so, what we could bring to this entire experience is our experience and foresightedness.
- Motivation & Engagement - putting the right pieces together - the attitudes, the capabilities and setting the right context, that pitch at the right level. That motivates and engages. Imagine, when we talk about statistics and trends, use everyday examples that they are FAMILIAR with so that they could make connection and participate... Stocks and Insurance matters are not in their radar screen yet.
- Learning Ecosystem - I guess it's really about putting everything together to create the environment - physical and affective aspects, with the necessary support structure - that is conducive to bring about the processes, to cultivate the kind of culture.
(G) Are you a ... MEDIA MASTER?
Check out our "Global Kids"...
- Remixer?
- Gamer?
- Blogger?
- Social Networker?
- Cell Phone Addict?
The skills needed in classroom vs the skills needed in the workplace. How aligned they are?
"Teaching of Skill does not matter. but the disposition"
Side note:
About the Experience - Well, this is the first SecondLife Talk that I attended... Though it is life, it's kind of funny to watch an avatar talking to the crowd. We could only 'feel' the presence of the speaker via the voice... there isn't much we could gather from the facial expression, the eye contact... these important elements are missing.
Keynote 2: Learning in New Media Blended Environments (by Dr Tan Beng Kiang)
Synposis: Learning does not just happen in classrooms in a teaching-centered paradigm. As educators, we know the importance of other modes of learning such as experiential learning, peer learning, collaborative leanring and the importantce of learning out of classroomswith field trips to different spatial context. With technological advancement of new media,
- How do we leverage on it to enrich learning?
- How do we "blend" new media to our physical space?
- Is there a need for balance between learning in brick-and-mortar space and total virtual environment?
- Is there a need for balance between high tech and high touch?
From the keynote:
1. Learning from passive to active (trends):
- Collaborative learning
- Experiential learning
- Participatory/ Collective Learning
Spatial Context: different stimulas. With new media advancement:
- 2D & 3D platforms
- more affordable
- more pervasive
- 2D refers to platforms like blogs and facebook while 3D refers to platforms like WOW, SecondLife (social networking, commerce), Google Earth 3D (info)
- Single user immersive virtual reality environment - Heritage
- Multi-user online virtual world - Educational & Heritage (e.g. Forbidden City, Lourve Museum)
Some examples of collaborative learning:
1. Experiential Learning:
- Sungei Buloh Wireless Trail
- UNPC and barcode
- Dr Tan commented that it has the right concept but encounters hardware issue; and therefore it was not natural. Indeed, technology distracts learning.
2. Experiential Engagement
- Characteristic: One learns according to one's onw interest at one's own time
- E.g. Leeum Museum in Seoul, Korea - device used is non-intrusive (infra)
- Ubiquitous Museum (http://map.elp.or.jp/umm.html)
3. Experimental Learning (Scenario)
- Physical environment as live teaching materials
- Imagine you can place 'invisible ost" of text, pictures or videos on real world buildings and objects
4. D-touch Visual Markers
- The importance of being able to put down all points at the same time and organise ideas
- participatory and collective
- Connecting Physical and virtual space
- Mirrored Message Wall: Social media to connect people at different geographical locations, a space for sharing collected thoughts
4. 3D AmiLab with GermaniumWeb
- POEM: Place-oriented embodied media project
- http://www.germanium3d.com/
Last but not least...
- Know WHAT to teach
- Know HOW you teach
- Know WHY you teach (goal)
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Me in SecondLife
Looks pleasing, at least... with the dark long locks and that unbelievably tiny waist... except that it doesn't look Asian (which I still prefer that) haha... :)
Indeed, it isn't the first time I come across SecondLife. 2 years ago, there's this interest to explore the potential of SecondLife in Teaching and Learning. Think the Consultancy section introduced this to the Principals and at PD section, Soh Tin also took the lead to bring in Kenneth from NIE to introduce it to us. In fact, I have a blog post for this too! Sharing on 2nd Life & Pedagogical Benefits (10 Sep 2008)
It's a new move to explore learning... Guess there are lots of potential in it... except that we've yet found the right key to open the door that shows us how it could do in an effective, yet practical manner (which includes the amount of time and effort), making it worth every single cent and amount of effort put in.