Sunday, February 26, 2006

Reflection 1: Talk by David Hung

My Wonders...
How does the Community of Practice (CoP) come about? What brings these people together? What do they want to get out of the CoP?

What I Learn & What I Think...
The CoP is a group of people who share a common goal:

To start off with, each individual who joins the CoP has some personal objective(s) to achieve and hopes that what the CoP hopes to achieve aligns with his/her own agenda. This desire to know, to find out initiates the first move (to the CoP). As mentioned during the talk, he/she becomes the peripheral members. They believe that, through this interactive platform, the needs will be met eventually, depending on the level of participation.

On the other hand, can we conclude that the members of the CoPs are self-motivated and self-driven in terms of participation, as they recognise that the CoP is the platform where they can find the answers they want? It is through this interaction that one grows - the ideas, the answers, new questions, curiosity... - when one is actively engaged in the process, in the spirit practised in the community... knowledge is created and learning takes place in the process of seeking answers (in response to the initial questions, to the new questions that grow from the interaction and process of seeking answers to initial questions).

So, what will keep the CoP going? When will it cease to exist? When it no longer serve the primary objective that started it off? But, with the changes in the course of maturing, it is definitely likely that the CoP will evolve and reach a day when it no longer serve the very first objective that triggers its creation. Indeed, it will probably serve a larger objective... while the initial objective becomes one of the many... possible?

Hm... I think... yes... and there's nothing wrong with this... as a result of change... the focus is not lost, but it's broaden... good or not? Development is not necessary convergent (keep sharpening the tools). It does mean expanding the repetoire and widening the horizon...

1 comment:

Loh Kwai Yin said...
