Saturday, August 25, 2012

Educator at Heart...

#iwonder How often that we not only praise students under our care who have done well, and also remember to do the same when students we don't teach but have also done well?

Sometimes, #iwonder if we are too 'stingy' (er... or forgetful) to give praises and affirmation to students who have demonstrated ability beyond their level (in particular during the assessment)?

When the student uses a more advance method to solve the problem right, how often we would just accept the working with the tone of "Ok, you are lucky that we are not rejecting it."

How many of us would have this cross our mind first when seeing such working: "Well done!" and affirm the student's ability to do so, especially under the test condition.

Sometimes, #iwonder why Maths teachers like to give very complicated expressions to 'challenge' students to simplify or evaluate?

Isn't it that we want to emphasize the principles and concepts rather than to test their perseverance or being meticulous during tests, though undeniably these are the attributes we would like to inculcate within the discipline.
Then the next question to ask is the val
ue of "packaging" simple concepts in a complicated manner to put (especially the weaker) students off? Then it would deprive them the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding because they need to overcome the psychological barrier first.

It goes back to the fundamental question: what is the objective of assessment?

There's definitely a difference between "complicated" and "complex" questions. The latter, #IMHO, would value-add as it drives deeper understanding of the discipline :)

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