Saturday, September 15, 2012

Takeaway from SG GAFE: About Youtube Playlist

"Playlist" - to many is not new. For instance, we could find it in iTunes. Basically, it's a consolidation of items for easy and convenient access.

Nevertheless, I have this habit of not relying on templates or tapping on some of these 'conveniences' that does not really 'cross line' with my daily work. So, to-date, Ive not quite taken advantage of what's available :) Of course, I've also not quite bother to explore something that I think might not be too relevant to my work.

The session at the Singapore Google Summit (sg gafe) - by Patrick Green, "Harnessing the Power of YouTube in Education" been very helpful. It has brought me further, not only to use video clips as a means for teaching and learning, but also realising that "Playlist" could be a good productivity tool - to help us organise our teaching and learning resources - in particular, (in came at the right time) when managing video clips for teaching and learning, as well as to organise the "viva voce" submissions by students.

In fact, it came in a very timely manner, when I am actually organising some of the 'favourited' clips as well as the students' viva voce submissions.

Look! I've just organised my collections of clips - and I love it!
It even allows me to set the privacy to public or private! and it allows me to share "by collection".

One interesting discovery is, we can set the playlist such that it will loop when all the clips in the collection are played. That's nice! (Notice the "Play all" button at the banner?)

On the other hand, I also learnt the difference when running the playlist in the laptop, as well as in the iPhone or iPad. It seems like playlist in the iPhone or iPad devices do not really does not play the next clip in the list automatically. Hm...

Anyway, this is definitely one good takeaway I have from the session.
Perhaps colleagues who are like me who have yet explored this would find this feature very handy :)

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