Sunday, April 09, 2006

New Look, Old Look

The other one colleague using my notebook (during a workshop) commented... why is it the display still follows the old window look & feel... {meaning how come it's not of the current Windows XP look and feel} and that would probably cause confusion to the participants... Well, for the sake of the workshop, the look and feel was updated... but very quickly, after the session, it's reverted back to the 'old' look... because ... I'm comfortable with the old look.

Though it's a simple and insignificant matter... it's also telling of....
  • ... die-hard habits... Yes, it's hard to change when we're into something we're comfortable with. On the other hand, I often ask myself... given a choice, old and new, what will I choose... depending on personal preference, right? For instance, I've been so used to that navigating environment, I can find all the stuff so much easier and quickly... why should I use something that I have to spend sometime to get use to? It's just a matter of the same thing wearing a new coat (catching up with the 'fashion'). OK, I agree it's very easy to get use to it... but I guess as long as we can practise flexibility, it's fine, isn't it? And always keeping in mind the good of having diversity in terms of working habits, too...

  • If I were to perceive the comment in another perspective - a negative one - I could possibly interpret as 'hey, how come you're not keeping up with time'... of course, I hope he's not referrring to that :D hahaha... OK, different people have different means to keep up with time, anyway...

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