Sunday, September 19, 2010

Talking Postcards - Lesson Ideas

Got this idea when attended a ICT-related session in the Hongkong University, where the speaker shared the use of some simple tools for language learning.

I can't quite remember the actual activity being shared... but certainly, it's got to do with Mac applications like Photo Booth or iPhoto's album.

Anyway, a few ideas generated from this... that I thought would be useful for Language learning, for obvious reasons...

Activity 1: Building Vocabulary List
  • Possible subject implementation: Any subjects that could have a list of new words that students should master (the use of the subject language).
  • E.g. English Language, Mother Tongue Language, History, Geography, Science, ADMT and Mathematics.
  1. In this activity, each student would learn a new word/ phrase/ idiom/ proverbs, etc (that could be related to a topic or a genre).
  2. He/She would find out the meaning of the word, figure out the pronunication of the word and an example how this word could be used in (various) contexts.
  3. He/She would also find a picture that could depict the meaning of the word.
  4. Using KeyNote (or something equivalent), student could add text (i.e. the explanation of word) to the picture. Convert the final picture (with text) to an image.
  5. Using QuickTime Player, he/she could record the following: Pronunication of the word, read out the meaning (which is already added to the image) and verbally describe an example how the word could be used.
  6. Using iMovie, the end product (clips) from all students could be compiled to become a "thematic vocabulary" book. Alternatively, each clip could be uploaded into a blog which is delicated for this topic. Hence it could be a compilation.

When the end product is posted online or compiled as a final movie clip, it could be shared so that everyone could have access learn from each other (coooperative learning).

An added advantage of posting in the blog is where they could also further explain the words (when need to) or add examples to the help each other understand even better.

Activity 2: Reading/Oral Activity

  • The activity gets students to describe pictures, which is one component in the language oral examination.
  • Possible Subject Implementation: English Language, Mother Tongue Languages
  1. Given a picture (e.g. a postcard), students to describe it according to the key areas outlined by the teacher (the scaffold).
  2. Students to identify 5 key words (e.g. adjectives or verbs) that are significant in the description.
  3. Using KeyNote (or something equivalent), student could add text (i.e. the explanation of word) to the picture. Convert the final picture (with text) into an image.
  4. Using QuickTime Player, he/she could record the description of the postcard.
  5. Using iMovie, the end product (clips) from all students could be compiled to become a 'talking' picture book. Alternatively, each clip could be uploaded into a blog which is delicated for this topic. Hence it could be a compilation.

When the end product is posted online or compiled as a final movie clip, it could be shared so that everyone could have access learn from each other (coooperative learning).

An added advantage of posting in the blog is where they could also further explain the words (when need to) or add examples to the help each other understand even better.

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