Monday, November 16, 2015

JS Timeline

  • Created by Knight Lab, Northwestern University
  • "History": started as a tool for journalists
  • easily shareable with students and easy to create a timeline that can be hosted on a webpage
  • Note: Base on GoogleSheet document - ease of editing

Notable Example - TIME: Nelson Mandela Timeline

To accompany text, we can insert video and images
  • Interactive
  • Multimedia Content
  • Students are better able to see the continuum of events and how they are connected to each other
  • Self updating after publication
  • Paragraph development: 
    • Assess students ability to capture main ideas in a short summary of events
    • Possibility of weaving in peer evaluation: Different groups of students can write on the same event and critique each others' versions
  • Considering multiple perspectives
  • Content Revision for pop-quiz 
  • Intellectual Integrity
  • Recap: Students can create a timeline that captures past lessons and content taught; hence increase student ownership
  • Scheme of Work


1. Download template into GoogleDrive
2. Click HERE for timeline

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