Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Safe? Legal? Use of ICT...

This links to the discussion forum very members at level 14 are invited to participate...

Legal Use:
Not against some form of rights what's guarded/protected by law.
  • Example 1: Copyright of materials. There exists rules for compliance. Anyone infringe copyright rule can be brought to court and fined. One of the cases was the use of the digital maps at the "school information" website. Schools were not allowed to use the exact image as it was copyrighted.
  • Example 2: The licensing of software. To buy a copy of the software implies installation into one system only unless it is otherwise stated, for instance, being a site licence. Even in the name of backup, (from what I know), we cannot install into another system. So, it is illegal to do multiple installation of a single licence software. Of course, there are 'pirates' around - so, when caught, there's where the legal aspect kicks in!

Safe Use:
It has something to do with influencing one's thoughts, emotional aspect, shaping one's mental model, value system, beliefs. Of course, with the word "safe" use - meaning it has a neutral or positive impact.
  • Example 3: There are different types of online games and what concern us most would be the kind of messages games bring about (eg. violence). Some games are safe (eg. the mathematical puzzles) but those that advocate violence will not be safe for children. Hence, it can be legal use of the games as we have paid for it. However, is it safe to children (who will be influence through the interaction)? Do the games bring about the desired value or behaviour?
  • Example 4: Next, look at the websites out there (out of Singapore) that provoke extreme views on religions, race, etc... They are most probably legal - as they present the view from their stands... They are up there, people who created those aren't arrested - OK, there's where they talked about the 'freedom of expression'.
  • On the other hand, by subjecting the young minds (who still could not quite see things in an objective manner, etc), is it safe for them to use these sites? Of course, if we are prepared, or if our pupils have been prepared on how to react to it (eg. they were suppose to study the different perspectives of an issue), then it would be safe to expose them to the not-so-safe sites.
  • So, who decides what's safe and unsafe? What's the guiding principle?

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